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Three Night-Before Breakfast Recipes

November 7, 2022
Egg breakfast being prepared in a kitchen.

Between work, school, and all the activities of modern life, today’s families are often on the go. And you can be sure that includes busy mornings getting everyone out the door on time. But our need for a delicious and nutritious breakfast is just as strong as ever! So, what’s the modern household chef to do?

Use time to your advantage

Assembling breakfast at night may seem counterintuitive—but when it gives you the chance to sit for more than five minutes with your morning coffee, you won’t regret putting in the extra effort at bedtime. Don’t get us wrong, though: your morning kitchen mess won’t mean less nutrition for your family. In fact, because you won’t be rushing to throw toaster treats at your departing family, they may leave feeling more satisfied than ever. 

The trick is to choose something that doesn’t take a long time to assemble so you can still enjoy your evening downtime. If you make a large portion, it will even last for more than just one morning (depending on the size of your household). You’ve probably made the tried-and-true overnight oats or hard-boiled eggs, but now is a great time to try something completely new. Try out these recipes and see what it feels like to wake up relaxed!

Overnight Sausage Breakfast Casserole

This delicious and satisfying meal will be awaiting you in the morning with just a little bit of evening prep work. This savory bread pudding is reminiscent of stuffing and uses sausage, eggs, cheese, and some veggies to create a wake-up call for your taste buds. All you’ll need to do is preheat the oven to 350 degrees and pop the dish in immediately so it can warm up as the oven reaches the proper temperature. Then, you’ll be free to enjoy your coffee, shower, or pull your kids out of bed for the next hour while you wait. Not only will your family be full, but your wallet will be too. This casserole is a great stand-in for fast food breakfast sandwiches, and it’s healthier!

Oatmeal Breakfast Bars

For those kids who are a little bit more finicky about their morning meal, mix things up with these premade breakfast bars. Super healthy and packed with natural protein, these bars use peanut butter, rolled oats, applesauce, and bananas (as well as other kitchen staples) to create a soft and delicious breakfast treat that will leave your kids feeling full and happy. The best part? You can make the batter at night and stick it in the oven in the morning. Alternately, you can bake these all the way through at night then just wake up and serve. You can even wrap them up individually for a great snack (and a homemade alternative to sugary granola bars).

Make Ahead Fruit and Yogurt Breakfast Parfaits

These aren’t your average parfaits. Using protein-packed Greek yogurt, rolled oats and chia seeds means this breakfast has an extra boost of power guaranteed to get your family through the day. If you want to get the same effect with less sugar, opt for plain Greek yogurt and add in your own honey to control the sweetness. Fruits can be switched out for family faves or something seasonal, so you can enjoy this make-ahead breakfast year-round.

Whether you want something savory or sweet, there are plenty of options to try when it comes to a quick breakfast. Don’t give in to the same old bowl of cereal every day. Instead, mix it up with one of these delicious, nutritious, and easy overnight breakfasts, guaranteed to make your mornings feel just a little bit easier.

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