Fitness & Nutrition

Make breakfast matter: Healthy options for every day of the week

June 25, 2020

Breakfast really is magic, only it’s not magic—it’s science! Also, there’s coffee. Look, you never see restaurants advertising lunch all day. Maybe it’s because eggs are the king of foods. Or maybe it’s because breakfast weaves such a splendid spell over one’s day that we all want to extend it.

According to Rush University Medical Center, people who eat breakfast generally have a lower BMI and consume less fat throughout the day. Breakfast may also improve memory and attention, especially for school-aged kids.

Have some breakfast, is what we’re saying. Your body (and mouth) will like it, especially with these first-rate healthy options:

What are you having for breakfast this week? Snap a picture and let us know on social media using the #HancockHealthChallenge hashtag.