Mental Well-Being

Work more happy time into each day

June 25, 2020

Adulthood isn’t as advertised. The dreamy vision so many of us had for our adult selves? With the glamorous, fulfilling job and the architecturally groundbreaking home in which we threw dinner parties for our fascinating friends? Well, it’s tough to grow up and realize those toilets won’t scrub themselves, and why is the ceiling leaking?

A lot of life is work, and there’s no getting around that even if you managed to “find your passion.” But balance is essential, and being good to yourself makes all that work feel worthwhile (or at least doable). Challenge yourself to make time for the stuff that makes you happy. Don’t know what that is? We have some thoughts on finding it, too.

Protect your happy time

The stuff you enjoy is too easily tossed aside for the Stuff You Must Do. Nuts to that. Put time on your calendar for pleasant activities—in small, regular increments and bigger blocks. If you’re a knitter, say, work in 20-minute knit breaks to recharge. Do some stretches. Write a letter. The important thing is that you reserve this time and protect it like your life depends on it. Your mental balance does, and that’s pretty close.

Try new things—without judgment

Yes, you will probably look silly in your first tap-dancing class. But if you’ve always wanted to take that shuffle step, isn’t it worth it? Let yourself be a rookie. New experiences are energizing, and everybody’s a beginner before they’re an expert. Revisit the things you loved as a kid or dive into the activities that you’ve said “I wish” about. If nothing else, you’ll figure out what you never ever want to do again even in a thousand lifetimes. We promise you still won’t run out of options.


When’s the last time you sat with your own brain for 15 minutes? No phone, no laptop, no podcast yammering in the background. Just you and whatever your nervous system serves up. Not only is the activity refreshing and calming, but it can—and often does—give your mind the chance to redirect. The quiet, the near-nothingness, of a regular meditation practice can produce a lot of interesting brain waves before, during, and after the actual meditation period.

What’s your passion? We want to know! Drop us a line or a photo on social media with the hashtag #HancockHealthChallenge.