Fitness & Nutrition

Dig in for National Blueberry Day on July 8

June 29, 2021

The diminutive blueberry is a strong favorite in the running for Most Popular Superfood. You know the superfoods: they’re those nutritionally-dense, low-calorie foods that are the rock stars of our diets. So let’s dig into their benefits, and some easy new ways to get them into your daily life.

Blueberries are super!

Blueberries are packed with vitamins, minerals, micronutrients, and antioxidants. Here’s what you’ll find inside:

What blueberries do for your health

Let’s break down what these good things mean for you:

Healthy blueberry recipes

Do you only use blueberries in baked goods and sugar-laden desserts? Have an occasional piece of blueberry pie, but always a la mode? To really let the power of the blueberry shine through, try these healthy recipes that pack a flavor punch.

A tasty Grilled Chicken Blueberry Pecan Salad is quick, healthy, and won’t leave you hungry. See how fast it is to make your own delicious sugar-free dressing.

Blueberries are happy participants in fruit kebobs; try this festive Red, White, Blue, and Bacon recipe for the Fourth of July. 

Blueberry sauce can work magic in the most unlikely places. Go savory with this Balsamic Thyme Blueberry Sauce and bring it to dinnertime—it pairs deliciously with any protein.

For a lower-sugar sweet treat, try this three-ingredient Naturally Sweet Blueberry Popsicle recipe. No food processor? This even faster Frozen Fruit Pop recipe is made with white grape juice.