Fitness & Nutrition

Take a look in the mirror with our July Live Healthy Challenge

June 30, 2020

Congratulations! You made it to the third quarter of what’s been a challenging year, no matter how you slice it. But hopefully, you’re starting July feeling better than you have in years thanks to our monthly Hancock Health Challenges.

In the first quarter, we challenged you to Get Healthy. In the second quarter, we challenged you to keep it up and Stay Healthy. Now, let’s turn these new, healthier habits into a regular part of your life as you Live Healthy during Q3!

As always, we want to see pictures of you living healthy out there in the world. When you complete a Live Healthy Challenge, post a picture or video of your experience on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter with the hashtag #HancockHealthChallenge. You’ll be entered for a chance to win a $250 Woodhouse Day Spa gift certificate.

Click the link to download your printable Live Healthy Calendar for July, or get the interactive PDF version.

Here are the July challenges. Good luck!

Week 1: Commit to a healthy start

We’ve all been told that breakfast is the most important meal. There’s a reason that lesson gets repeated so often. A balanced, healthy breakfast gives you the fuel you need to attack your day. Leave the Cocoa Puffs on the shelf this week and commit to starting strong with a healthy breakfast, like these delicious options.  

Week 2: Get to know yourself

We’re always ready for you, anytime you need care. But there are many things you can do to stay on top of your health and wellness between doctor’s visits. During the second week of July, we’re challenging you to complete a week of self-exams. Need a few ideas? Check in with your body with these five self-exams

Week 3: Indulge your passion

Maintaining an outlet for activities you care about deeply is an important part of self-care and good overall mental health. This week, dust off that old acoustic guitar, or pull your sketch book off the shelf: Whatever your passion might be, set aside some time to give it the attention it deserves. You might be surprised what it gives you in return.

Week 4: Get familiar with your fitness

Many of our Live Healthy Challenges have encouraged you to live more actively, get off the couch, and exercise. We hope you’ve been inspired some [SJ1] of our past challenges. Regular physical activity is an important part of healthy living. But an important part of exercise is understanding your body and knowing your limitations.  For the last week of July, commit to completing some simple tests to measure your physical fitness. Not sure where to start? Try these five at-home fitness checks.

Remember to show us your stuff! And to remind you of staying healthy all month long, download one of our new Live Healthy Challenge desktop wallpapers.

Challenge Calendar Archive





