When family life gets busy, it’s tempting to start skipping your regular workout. But that workout is critical for destressing and recharging your batteries. And your kids probably need to get moving, too. That’s why it’s important to make time in your day for some fun family workouts. These workout ideas are the perfect way to help your kids make healthy habits and help you get your fitness kicks.
Race to the Corner
If your kids like to run, odds are they love to race. A family walk is already a fun, easy exercise to fit into your day. You can take it up a notch by adding in the occasional sprint to the next visible landmark. If your kids aren’t already beating you in a footrace, handicap yourself by giving them a head start.
Visit the Playground
Your kids know they can get a great workout at the playground. But all that equipment offers countless possibilities for adults as well. CrossFit enthusiasts get lots of inspiration—and perspiration—from playground moves like these: the swing pike pushup, toenail pull up (not as painful as it sounds), and knee-tuck.
What is geocaching? Simply put, it’s a treasure-hunting game you play with other geocachers using GPS coordinates. The treasures are hidden all over the world, but there are almost certainly several to be found near you. Some geocaches are hidden in spots that require a hike. But even easily accessible caches usually require hunting around on foot. The thrill of seeking and finding is fun for the whole family.
Enjoy a Workout Video—Kid-Style
If you like to work out to video encouragement but your kids aren’t cooperating, consider something much more kid-friendly. Shows like Bo on the Go, subscription services like Adventure to Fitness, and YouTube channels like GoNoodle offer surprisingly good workouts with big kid appeal. Don’t be surprised if you find it hard to keep up!
Train as a Family
What’s the difference between working out and training? When you train, especially with a larger goal (like a race or personal best) in mind, you’re more motivated. You tend to learn better habits, make more meaningful plans, and set smaller goals that motivate you and move you toward your larger objective. This is not only a great learning experience for your kids: It’s also a great way to get everyone in the family committed to getting active. Be sure to pick a goal that’s both manageable and fun (such as the upcoming Hancock Superhero 5K).
Make Fitness a Habit
Ensure your family workouts become part of your routine by linking them to the things you do every day as a family. Take your walk every day after dinner, or if everyone is too busy, try before breakfast. If the days are just packed—and this certainly happens—try to set aside one day when you can all be active together.
And remember: There’s no time like the present. The healthy habits you build now will stick with your kids as they grow into healthy lives, and families, of their own.