Approximately 330 community members attended the 25th Anniversary Women Helping Women Gala on October 20, 2023. “We are so proud of all that Women Helping Women has accomplished over the past 25 years and the tremendous impact this program continues to have today,” said Allyson Smith, executive director of the Hancock Health Foundation.
This year’s event raised more than $138,000 to go toward supporting local women’s health care. With those proceeds raised in combination with previous proceeds and payouts from the Myra Bleill Endowment, the foundation was able to give a donation of $372,428 to the James T. Anderson Center for Women’s Health to purchase a second mammography machine for the women of the community. With this second machine wait times will be reduced and capacity increase for the women’s center at Hancock Regional Hospital.
“We are overjoyed to have had a record-setting year! We are so fortunate to have such a generous community that makes local healthcare a charitable priority,” said Smith.
A big thank you goes out to the 2023 Women Helping Women committee for all of their hard work organizing the event, as well as all donors, sponsors and attendees.