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Getting to the Heart of Women’s Health

February 1, 2023
Woman's hands shaping heart, shadow on red t-shirt

Do you know the leading cause of death for women in the United States? If you answered cardiovascular disease, you’re, sadly, spot on. Strokes and heart disease cause one in three deaths among women each year—that’s more than all cancers combined.

That’s reason enough to pay attention to your heart health, but here’s one more: Experts say 80% of strokes and cardiac events can be prevented through education and lifestyle changes like eating more fruits and vegetables, getting more exercise, and managing your blood pressure. 

The American Heart Association wants you to pay attention to all of those statistics so much it has organized a variety of ways to get involved this month, designated as American Heart Month. The idea is that as you’re focusing on one of their events or ways to give back then maybe you’ll remember the heart inside your body, too. Maybe you’ll even start a new exercise habit or trade that box of candy you’re about to eat for a few sprigs of broccoli! 

Go Red For Women

The American Heart Association is also encouraging everyone across the country to wear red—suits, dresses, ties, shoes, whatever—on Feb. 3, National Wear Red Day. The red outfits and accessories create a visual reminder in support of women’s cardiovascular health and efforts to decrease heart-related problems in women. 

Once you’ve got your look planned, you might also want to participate in a local fundraiser. 

Every year, The American Heart Association hosts annual Go Red for Women luncheons—which draws hundreds, all dressed in red—that happen all around the country. The luncheons raise money to help end cardiovascular disease and features female speakers telling stories about the ways cardiovascular disease has impacted their lives. More information about the luncheons and tickets are available here. If all this talk about cardiovascular health has you considering getting a check-up or encouraging someone you love to get one, we can help. Visit to learn more and find your Hancock Health care team. They’re ready to help make your heart health possible!

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