Healthcare TipsMental Well-Being

Meet Renee Burkhart, A Nurse Practitioner Making Health Possible for Your Family

November 14, 2022
A photo of Renee Burkhart sitting at a desk.

A nurse practitioner is just one of the many types of medical professionals you’ll meet at Hancock Health. And during the week of November 13, we’re celebrating all our NPs for National Nurse Practitioner Week. 

We sat down with Hancock Health’s Renee Burkhart to get the inside scoop on what a nurse practitioner does

Q: So, Renee, tell us a little bit about yourself.  

A: Well, I’m an FNP, which stands for Family Nurse Practitioner. I specialize in family medicine, so I see patients across all age ranges. I’ve been with Hancock Health for a little over four years now.

Q: What does a family nurse practitioner do? 

A: To paint with broad brush strokes, a nurse practitioner has a variety of responsibilities—all focused on the health and well being of each patient. We work closely with physicians and other providers to deliver the best care possible to each of our patients. We provide compassionate, holistic care to our patients focusing on health promotion, primary prevention, and patient education. 

Q: Wow, I imagine you interact with patients quite a bit, then. 

A: Oh, definitely! I interact with patients throughout my entire workday. One of the best things about my job is I care for individuals across their entire lifespan, from infants to geriatrics. I also will often care for entire families, so I get to watch little ones grow up and I really get to know my patients. It’s very rewarding. 

Q: What are some other rewarding areas of your job? 

A: I get to make health possible for patients every day. I really strive to positively impact each patient, empowering them through education and health coaching to implement lifestyle changes that improve their physical health. I get a great feeling of pride when patients return to the office after an illness or problem and express their gratitude. It’s been amazing to recognize the difference we make in people’s lives. 

Q: If a patient is nervous or concerned during their visit, how do you help them? 

A: I try to put them at ease by displaying empathy and compassion. I don’t like to rush patients through their office visit, and I give them plenty of time to ask questions. In return, I answer them to the best of my ability. Part of my job is to help educate patients by answering their questions and alleviating their concerns. 

Q: Sounds like you do a lot to help your patients! 

A: Yes! I’m very blessed to work at an office made up of dedicated, hardworking staff members and providers who are all caring and compassionate. We really do the best we can for each and every one of our patients. 

Thanks for all you do, Renee! Happy Nurse Practitioner Week to all our fantastic nurse practitioners at Hancock Health.

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