
Taking a Leap of Faith

December 22, 2021
Behind every great frog is an army of toad-ally cool hoppers. 


Our Hank is no exception. He’s a big, orange amphibian full of fun, but he alone can’t spread all of the necessary hoppyness. That’s where Hank’s Army comes in! They’re a 20-person Hancock Health crew, armed with Hank’s swag—stickers, tote bags, sippy cups, and the like—and lots of positivity. 


Maybe you’ve noticed these happy hoppers in person at Hancock Health or online, where they’re using their social media channels to tell great stories about our associates and all the ways we make health possible for everyone. Maybe you even work with a Hank’s Army member and have reaped some ribbeting rewards because of it—a restaurant delivery or some Hank swag of your own. 


But in case you don’t know who they are, here’s the list:

That’s our inaugural class of Hank’s Army members; they’ll be working hard for Hank through July 2022, when a new group of recruits is named. If you want to enlist and you’re a Hancock Health associate, drop Hank a line at If you’re not one of our employees, but all of the hoppyness sounds good to you, check out our openings at 

The Lily Pad, 12.20.21The Lily Pad, 12.27.21

We Make Health Possible

As East Central Indiana’s population grows, we’re putting health care where people need it most. Besides Hancock Regional Hospital, ranked as one of the nation’s safest by the Lown Hospital Index, our network includes more than 30 other locations near your home or work.

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