Monday Motivation
“I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse.”
—Florence Nightingale
Shout Out to Hank’s Army!
We’re congratulating our first group of Hank’s Army recruits as we round out the year. Chances are, you’ve seen Hank’s Army members in your social media feeds, sharing links to profiles about our associates and the rest of our good news. Maybe you’ve even seen them around Hancock Regional carrying a Hank’s Big Bag of Hoppiness tote. Learn more about Hank’s Army here, and let us know if you want to enlist!
Making Health Possible
If you’ve exhausted all of your old, trusty recipes (who hasn’t this time of year?) and you’re looking for something new to try, look no further than, our health and lifestyle website. There are lots of great recipes for those in-between times—in between Christmas and New Year’s in this case—and when you’re sitting down for the big game. The best part about our recipes is that most of them are both delicious and healthy.
Bowl game coming up? So are the healthy snacks!
Need more greens in your life? Cook with spinach.
Got cheese ball fatigue? Cook sweet potatoes instead!
Premenstrual News You Can Use
We’re always looking for creative ways to make health possible for everyone, so we make a lot of informational videos. If you’ve ever wondered why you (or someone you love) suffers from insomnia, low energy, or mood swings around the time of your monthly period, check out our video about Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder.
Hank’s Dad Joke of the Week
Q: Where do mermaids see movies?
A: The dive-in.