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A1c Hemoglobin
Used to screen for diabetes and to monitor glycemic status for patients with diabetes.
View TestAnemia Panel
Used to determine if a patient is anemic, whether there is too much or too…
View TestCardiac CT for Calcium Scoring
Used to detect the presence, location, and extent of calcified plaque in arteries.
View TestCardiac Risk Panel
Used to evaluate risk for atherosclerotic heart disease and measure inflammation, even when other factors…
View TestCBC (Complete Blood Count)
Used to evaluate anemia, leukemia, inflammation and infections, hydration, inherited blood disorders, and chemotherapy decisions.
View TestChemistry Screen
Used as a broad screening tool to evaluate organ function and check for conditions such…
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Hancock Health allows greater participation in one’s own health care. Your healthcare practitioner can refer you to our laboratory, but it is not a requirement to order online tests.