How many times have you made a New Year’s resolution only to leave it behind come the end of January? We are all guilty of letting our resolutions go to the wayside once it comes time to put in the work. This year is a great time to take charge of your health and well-being and make those resolutions happen!
Feel Good About Keeping Your Resolutions
Whether your Achilles heel is motivation or follow-through, here are some tips you can use to help you keep that New Year’s resolution this year.
Be realistic
No matter what kind of goals you are setting, being realistic about what you will be willing to change is an important first step in following through. If you are trying to eat healthier in the new year, for instance, make sure you set attainable goals that you can feel good about achieving. Don’t assume that your personality will shift and you will, all of a sudden, be able to do something that has been difficult for you in the past. Feeling like you will never achieve your resolutions is one sure-fire way to make yourself want to give up.
Make a plan
Got your resolution in mind? Now it is time to plan. Research the best ways to achieve your goal. If you want to eat healthier for instance, break it down into specific goals you would like to achieve monthly or weekly. Then, make sure you are ready to do the grocery shopping, meal prep, etc. Planning ahead will help you succeed!
Make it a group effort
Do you thrive in community? Make a group resolution with your friends or family. Getting fit, for instance, is a great resolution and one that you can involve others in. Head to the gym together, play pick-up games and have tons of fun incorporating exercise into your life. Setting and achieving goals with your community is a fantastic way to ensure you follow through on each step of your New Year’s resolution!
Celebrate your wins
Don’t forget to take the time to celebrate all that you achieve. Whether it is going a whole week without giving in to the call of junk food or making it 10 whole days without smoking, your success will flourish when you give yourself a big pat on the back. You can even think of some fun rewards that you would like to gift yourself every step of the way.