Fitness & NutritionMental Well-Being

Exercising to Ease Your Mind and Body

July 15, 2023

When we aren’t feeling great, sometimes the last thing we want to do is go work out. But did you know even simple, easy-to-complete exercises can help relieve a number of symptoms for different ailments? Whether you’re having a bad mental health day, battling the chronic pain or stiffness that comes with age, or recovering from surgery, there are plenty of ways for exercise to help you.

Workouts that Help Your Brain

Anyone who’s struggled with mental health issues knows they can make it hard to get out of bed, let alone exercise. But simple activities such as restorative yoga go a long way in improving your mental health. Restorative yoga is meant to help you relax and reduce stress, so if you’re feeling like the weight of the world is too much for you to accomplish much of anything, you can take solace in a few simple exercises that will help you get back on track faster. 

Other exercises, such as running or jogging, release endorphins to your brain that help improve your mood. So if you’re feeling like getting up and moving again, going for a light jog around the block is a great way to get those endorphins rolling while soaking in some mood-boosting sunshine.

Easing the Symptoms of Age

If you’re at a certain age, you might be thinking that exercising just isn’t in the cards for you anymore, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Strength training is a great way to help with some of the symptoms that come with aging, such as arthritis or other joint stiffness. Strength training can not only reduce that pain and stiffness that comes with arthritis, but it can also increase bone density and flexibility, regulate your blood sugar, and can help improve overall balance and coordination.

Beating the Post-Op Flop

If you’re recovering from surgery, it’s possible you’re already itching to get up off the couch and get moving again. While you should always follow the recommendations of your surgeon and doctor, and not push yourself beyond what your body is ready for, there are plenty of simple exercises to get you moving again while your body continues to recover. 

Pilates is a great way to recover from injuries, whether the injury required surgery or not. These simple stretches will get your body moving again but will also help you understand your limits so you don’t push yourself too far too soon. Other exercises, such as chair yoga, can be done while sitting down. If your mobility is limited due to surgery or injury, you can still exercise and get those endorphins flowing again right from the comfort of your chair. 

Remember, down does not mean out. Whatever is holding you back from exercise, don’t let it stop you for too long. Exercise can help you get back on your feet again even sooner than you anticipated.