Healthcare Tips

Hancock Health and Mayo Clinic: Working Together for You

June 17, 2024

Two years ago, Hancock Health was chosen to join the Mayo Clinic Care Network, a carefully vetted and select group of independent health systems that are given access to Mayo Clinic’s world-renowned knowledge and resources. 

Now, we’re excited to share with you how that access has made health possible in new and exciting ways for our patients. 

New tools at our disposal

By joining the Mayo Clinic Care Network, we didn’t just gain the recognition of Mayo Clinic—we also gained its tremendous benefits, including access to the research, diagnostic, and treatment resources of the world leader in medicine. 

One of the most valuable resources is e-Consults, which enable our doctors to ask Mayo Clinic specialists specific questions about a patient’s diagnosis or treatment options. While this tool isn’t always necessary, it has proven to be helpful and effective in numerous cases over the last year alone.

Other resources include eBoards—live, interactive video conferences—and AskMayoExpert, an online medical reference that offers cutting-edge education materials, as well as other recommendations for care, treatment, and disease management.

And the best part? These services are available to patients at no additional cost.

What does all this mean for our patients and physicians?

Jason Wells, an RN and BSN with Hancock Health, also serves as the Executive Director of Outpatient Services and Mayo Clinic Care Network Relationship. He’s overseen the relationship between Hancock Health and Mayo Clinic, and, to him, the results of the relationship more than speak for themselves. 

“The cases that have been reviewed, as well as seven eBoard consultations, cannot be understated,” said Wells. “The eBoards are similar to e-Consults. But while e-Consults send one single answer via records, eBoards are live Zoom meetings between our doctors and the five to seven Mayo Clinic doctors who are best prepared to discuss our patient’s diagnosis or treatment plan.” 

Wells also added that Hancock Health was recognized in return for their fantastic care and had even received referrals from Mayo Clinic. 

“We have seen an increase in our unique patients seeking out treatment from our providers and have received several referrals from Mayo Clinic to Hancock Health,” said Wells. “It takes months to get into Mayo Clinic and, even then, not all patients are accepted. Those patients then have been referred to us, so that we can provide our advanced care or, if need be, e-Consults.”

Wells said one of the best things to come from the Mayo Clinic relationship is peace of mind for patients and providers alike. 

“Our physicians and providers are amazing,” said Wells. “But having access to e-Consults and having the backing of Mayo Clinic in our provider and patient education have given extra confidence. And that’s huge.” 

While we’re excited for what our relationship with Mayo Clinic has brought, we also know this is only the beginning. With our expert care combined with the resources of Mayo Clinic, we can continue to make health possible for years to come.