Fitness & NutritionHealthcare Tips

Storing Your Holiday Décor

December 20, 2022
Man and woman storing items on a shelf.

For many of us, getting into the holiday spirit means decking the halls with all things merry. Ornaments, stockings, menorahs, a tree or two, festive garlands and glass figurines all play a special role in creating a holiday feeling in our homes. But when it comes to putting your décor away, do you know how to store it so it will be ready for next year’s festivities?

Packing your holiday decorations away properly means you’ll have an easier time beautifying your house next season. Many of us also have special items which hold beautiful memories and only come out around the holidays. We know you want to make sure your precious memories are kept safe and sound (no one wants to be responsible for breaking Grandma’s childhood ornament), so check out our favorite tips for holiday home goods storage.

Don’t throw out those boxes

When it comes to ornaments or other breakable holiday keepsakes, the original box may be the safest way to keep them in storage. Most packaging is meant to keep items from breaking during transport—so hopefully, putting those blown glass ornaments back into their carton will keep them safe in your stationary attic.

Repurpose containers and boxes

The average American household generates between two and four bags of garbage a week. Recycling can severely lessen your impact on the environment. And remember, it isn’t just about throwing recyclables into a bin. Reuse is also an important component of helping our planet and can be a great way to store your holiday breakables. Why not use that clean egg carton to store your small, glass ornaments and figurines? That Amazon box could easily be turned into a storage container. Even those Starbucks coffee cups could be washed and used to store individual ornaments. Cardboard drink holders, apple containers, and even takeout containers can do the job too. Get creative to save yourself time and money (and help the planet while you’re at it).

Don’t get your garland in a knot

Finding your Christmas lights, garlands or beads knotted in their storage bins is highly unpleasant. No matter how carefully you place them into a box, they seem to somehow tangle up over the course of a year. Try something new this time by using recycled water bottles or tennis ball containers to store your decorative beads. You can also use paper towels or wrapping paper rolls to contain garland. Cut a cardboard box into a long rectangle then wrap up your Christmas lights or extension cords. It’s a more efficient solution that will keep you from dropping profanities as you unpack your décor next year.

Purchase special bins

To make sure your holiday decorations stay safe all year long in your basement, attic, or garage, consider waterproof containers. Clear, plastic tubs are a great solution and offer a locking lid that secures your precious possessions. Some bins, made especially for holiday storage, are already equipped to store your breakables safely. Just make sure you label your bins, maybe even detailing what ornaments are in each, so you aren’t fishing around for your tree topper next year. Want to keep the cost down? Use seasonal linens to pack away breakables instead of purchasing Bubble Wrap.

Your holiday memories are worth protecting. Make sure to keep your favorite décor safe by taking the time to pack it thoughtfully before storing it away for the year. By taking a little extra time now, you can save yourself the headache of finding broken ornaments, tangled lights, or missing decorations when it’s time to celebrate again next year.