Healthcare Tips

How Hancock Health Centers Care Around You

December 2, 2022
A patient with all the offerings from Hancock Health around him.

Not only do we have a partnership with the Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital, but we are also a member of the Mayo Clinic Care Network. That means you’re getting the absolute best care possible, courtesy of our excellent staff and the resources of nationally recognized healthcare systems.

We provide quality care at an affordable price

We believe that having access to affordable health care is crucial. That’s why we created Gateway Hancock Health—your premiere resource for quick and affordable care. Whether you’re there for immediate care or medical tests, you don’t need to schedule ahead. Plus, you can save an average of 70% on MRIs, CT scans, X-rays, ultrasounds, and lab tests done at this facility.

We go beyond medical treatment

Quality care is about more than seeing and tending to patients. We created our Health Possible blog to keep you up to date on ways to prioritize your family’s health, using the most well-rounded methods possible. From mental health to physical well-being, to kids’ crafts to fun recipes, Health Possible has it all. 

But that’s not all. We also built three Hancock Health Wellness Centers, which serve as the only certified medical fitness centers in the region. Here you can take classes, work out, and learn healthy lifestyle skills you can apply every day. 

At Hancock Health, you’re so much more than just a patient—you’re part of our family, and we treat you as such, centering our quality care all around you.

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