Fitness & NutritionHealthcare Tips

Best Resolutions for Your Health

December 16, 2022
Older man excited as younger girl wins a video game.

Many of us find ourselves hoping for change in the new year. When we’re feeling stuck, setting a New Year’s resolution is a great way to jump-start a brand-new mindset. However, many of our resolutions go to the wayside come February—either because we’ve set our sights too high or because we’ve lost motivation. If you want to feel your best in 2023, we have some tips on how to set better resolutions that can make a real difference in your health.

Resolutions don’t need to be big

Sometimes, in our thirst for transformation, we set our goals sky high. Although aiming for the stars is a wonderful concept, here on the ground it doesn’t always work out. Why? Because we humans need to take baby steps to start (and keep) new habits.

If you constantly find yourself hoping to get to your goal weight within a few months or you want to be rid of a bad habit by the end of the year, we totally get it. Once you see a way out, you want all the way out. You want to look and feel your best and forget you ever felt any other way. Unfortunately, everything takes time and slowing down to untangle yourself from whatever bad habit you want to break may just be the ticket to your best resolution yet.

Just a little scary

Even though you don’t need to reach the stars, change is going to be a bit scary. Especially when we’re talking about patterns and conditioning. That saying, “Old habits die hard” didn’t rise out of thin air. So, what small steps can you take this year that will have you seeing bigger (and lasting) changes down the road?

Don’t only focus on your weight loss

With a little dose of self-acceptance and love, anything is possible. After all, if you love your body, you wouldn’t want to feed it packaged junk foods instead of a healthy, delicious, and nutritious meal. Rather than focusing on what you need to lose (extra weight, for example), concentrate on what you want to add into your life, such as a whole bunch of healthy meals or a new exercise routine. Work slowly to incorporate positive lifestyle choices and watch yourself transform.

Find an exercise you love

There’s a lot to be said for loving what you do, and exercise is no different. Are you currently feeling stuck in your same old fitness routine? Hancock Wellness Centers offer group classes of all types for those who want to try something a little different from they are used to. You might even find something that makes you want to go to the gym. And there’s no better way to get in shape than with that kind of easy motivation. You can also try something completely outside of the box, such as rock climbing, hiking all the trails in Hancock County, cross-country skiing, ice skating and more!

Take care of your mental health

Feeling balanced physically, mentally, and emotionally leads to a more fulfilling existence. When we understand our intrinsic wholeness and believe in our own innate goodness (and that of others), we can trust life to unfold in beautiful ways. The Healthy 365 Connection Center is a great place to start if you’re having difficulties or trying to find a health provider. Taking care of your mental wellness also means kicking addiction to the curb, such as stopping the use of alcohol or cigarettes.

A few more thoughts to try on for size

Some other resolutions (and small steps) you can make that will help you to feel your best include:

Sometimes, the smallest things make the biggest difference in our lives. Work to find one small step you can take that will help you live your best life in 2023!