There are a lot of reasons you should work at Hancock Health. And it’s not just because of our fully functioning salad robot, or our cafeteria’s Sushi Thursdays. At Hancock Health, we believe in making health possible, whether you’re a brain surgeon or a housekeeper, a staff nurse or a cafeteria worker. When you work with us, you’re creating positive change in the lives of patients no matter what role you fill.
But these aren’t the only benefits
We’re an independent healthcare network, which means we aren’t beholden to any outside interests or stakeholders. We’re operated by and for the people of East Central Indiana. Plus, our size is perfect for you to be able to see the impact you have on patients in real time. But don’t mistake us for a small operation—we have the benefit of being a Mayo Clinic Care Network member, giving us all the resources of the nationally-recognized Mayo Clinic. Plus, we’ve got a partnership with the Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital. Intrigued yet?
Still wondering why you should work at Hancock Health? Ask someone who does
“The best thing about working at Hancock Health is I really feel like my voice matters,” said Nurse Practitioner Kara Armstrong. “I don’t feel like I’m part of a huge corporation where I’m just a number, and my opinion gets pushed to the back. If I have any concerns, I feel like I can go to the person directly, and state what’s going on, and a change is likely to happen. I feel like an equal to all my peers, and I know they feel the same.”
“I’ve been at Hancock Health for 31 years. People that I started with are still here,” said Barb Pescitelli, another nurse practitioner. “The sense of community within this hospital, no matter what changes are going on, is its foundation. That’s amazing in today’s environment of change.”
Hancock Health is a very special place for us. We’d like to see it become just as meaningful to you. If you want to make health possible for patients across East Central Indiana today, check out our careers. We’d love to meet you soon.