Healthcare Tips

3 New Year’s Resolutions to Kick Off 2023

November 30, 2022
Woman and her dog in a field.

2023 is quickly approaching, which means it’s time to begin thinking about resolutions for the new year. We’ve come up with three resolutions that will not only keep your body healthy but will be fun and easy to stick to throughout the whole year.

Walk into 2023

Going for a walk is a great way to stay active throughout the year and doesn’t require a huge time commitment. Even if it’s just for fifteen minutes a day a few days a week, you can take that time to get out of the house, get some exercise, and take time for yourself.

You can even do mindful walking by relaxing your mind and taking the time to check in with yourself and your body while you move. If you’re a busy person who is often on the go, this quiet time to yourself can do wonders for both your physical and mental wellbeing.

Cook up some healthy habits

There are a ton of ways to integrate more vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, and other important dietary factors into your diet. Instead of reaching for quick and easy processed foods or dipping through the drive-thru, try getting back in the groove of healthy eating by trying some new recipes this year. Whether you’re a master griller, a seasonal chef, or leading an army of little ones who need to eat healthy, too, we have a ton of recipe options for you to peruse at Health Possible.

Carve out time for the kids

With busy schedules that keep everyone on the go, it can be hard to find time to do something fun with the kids. We’re talking about spending dedicated time together as a family. Stay in shape together by going on after-dinner walks, having a dance party, or even joining a class together at one of the Hancock Wellness Centers. You can also have an arts and crafts night with your kids, giving them the chance to explore their creativity while having fun with you.

One last suggestion

Resolve to not beat yourself up if your other New Year’s resolutions slip through the cracks. What’s important is that you try something new, keep active, and stay healthy. We hope you give our ideas a go, and have a safe and happy 2023.