Fitness & NutritionMental Well-Being

Name and Avoid Your Poison

March 8, 2022

Your home is the safest place in the world for you and your family, right? 

Most of the time, that’s true. But if you have young children and you haven’t considered the possibility of accidental poisoning from cleaning products, prescription medication, plants, or insects, maybe you should. 

In an effort to reduce accidental poisonings by highlighting the ways they typically occur, the third week of March is designated National Poison Prevention Week. Since nine out of ten poisonings happen at home, let’s start there.

Keeping the Kids Safe 

Young children are particularly vulnerable to getting poisoned. In 2019, about 67,500 children under five went to hospital emergency rooms after getting poisoned, and most of those incidents—85 percent—happened at home.

So how do you reduce the risks of your curious kids getting into something they shouldn’t? Here are a few tips.

Adults Can Be Poisoned, Too

Children aren’t the only ones who run the risk of getting accidentally poisoned. There are a variety of ways adults can be affected, too. Have you ever had food poisoning? Here are a few ways to avoid it.

Avoiding Carbon Monoxide 

It’s also a good idea to remember that cars, appliances, furnaces, and gas dryers can all give off carbon monoxide—a poisonous gas with no color or smell. To decrease your risk, follow these guidelines:

If you think you or one of your family members has been poisoned, call the free Poison Helpline at 1-800-222-1222, which will immediately connect you to your local poison center and a poison expert.