This graph shows the number of patients with a positive Covid19 test from April 01, 2020 through February 20, 2022.
The blue line are patients admitted to the hospital.
The red line are patients seen in the emergency room who were not admitted to the hospital.
Below, we have the total number of patients testing positive for Covid 19 seen in the Emergency department and admitted to the hospital along with each category’s vaccination status.
The vaccines were available Dec. 2020 and readily available to the adult population in April/May of 2021.
The below graph show the number of patients seen at Hancock Regional Hospital since the vaccines for Covid19 were made available. These patients include those seen in the emergency department and those who were admitted to the hospital. The vaccines were made available Dec. 2020 and were readily available to the adult population in April/May 2021.
The blue line is the total number of patients.
The red line is the total number of vaccinated patients.
The green line is the total number of unvaccinated patients.
This graph shows the vaccination status percentage for Covid19 patients admitted to the hospital since the vaccine was made available. The vaccines were made available Dec. 2020 and made readily available to the adult population by April/May 2021.
Blue and green are our vaccinated population while red and purple are our unvaccinated population.
This chart shows the number of patients that have recovered from Covid 19 and have gone home or to a rehab facility.
This percentage does not include patients transferred to another facility or patients that died while in the hospital.
Patients who have received the Monoclonal Antibody Infusions (MAB) at Hancock Health
The blue line did not require any admission to the hospital once they received the infusion
The red line still required admission for Covid19 after they received the infusion
Due to decreased demand, our MAB infusion clinic has been moved from the hospital’s basement lobby to the second floor.
For more information on Covid 19 in Indiana please go to the Indiana Covid-19 Dashboard and Map https://www.coronavirus.in.gov/indiana-covid-19-dashboard-and-map/