Contact your doctor
As always, your Hancock Health primary care physician is your first, best source for taking care of your ongoing healthcare needs. Contact your doctor’s office to schedule an appointment or find a physician at our website, where you can search for a doctor by name, specialty, location, and other criteria.
Schedule your appointment
When you call, a Hancock associate will walk you through scheduling your appointment. Most virtual visits are conducted using the HealthConnect patient portal. This requires registering for an account before your visit. We can also create a family account by enrolling a parent, guardian, or spouse as a Portal User, then attaching the children, spouse, or senior parents to that same account. (And there are other reasons to create a HealthConnect account, too. We’ve got tons of great information and tools for patients there!)
Don’t have a HealthConnect account?
Another simple option physicians have begun using over the last few weeks is a platform called Doximity. Just call your physician’s office to schedule an appointment and, once it’s scheduled, you’ll receive a link via email. Click the link to accept your appointment and then click it again when you’re ready to join your virtual visit. This option requires fewer technology skills, and it’s very popular among our older patients.
Safe and secure service
Rest assured, both HealthConnect and Doximity provide a secure way to connect with your Hancock Health physician, and they are subject to the same HIPPA regulations you expect from our in-person visits.
Don’t wait on the care you need
Your healthcare needs didn’t disappear with COVID-19 stay-at-home orders. Virtual visits are a great way to receive the care you need now, without leaving the safety of your house. Contact your physician today to learn more about the ways we’re adapting to provide the care you need and deserve.