
We’re Open Right Now to Handle Your Medical Emergency

April 20, 2020
While we’re social distancing during the COVID-19 crisis, you may be wondering when—and whether—you should go to the emergency room at Hancock Regional Hospital.

The short answer is, yes: We’re prepared to safely handle your emergency, even if it’s not virus related. Here are the best reasons to come to the ER now:

These can be symptoms of heart attack, stroke, broken bones, major allergic reactions, accidents, injuries, and other conditions that require medical attention now. If you have any of the above symptoms, don’t put your health in jeopardy. Get to the ER and get the care you need now.


Meet Anas AlsadiCoronavirus Update: April 21, 2020

We Make Health Possible

As East Central Indiana’s population grows, we’re putting health care where people need it most. Besides Hancock Regional Hospital, ranked as one of the nation’s safest by the Lown Hospital Index, our network includes more than 30 other locations near your home or work.

Learn More about Hancock