
Coronavirus Update: April 21, 2020

April 21, 2020
Growth in new cases of COVID-19 across the nation, state, and region has flattened in recent days, and in places like New York, has declined considerably.  This has given reassurance to federal and state administrations to begin planning for the next phase in the COVID crisis – the initial easing of restrictions on travel and social distancing.  At the federal level, the three-phase approach was published late last week (attached).  At the state level, Governor Holcomb extended the “Stay at Home” order though May 1st and provided additional clarity regarding outdoor activity and healthcare operations (attached).  The revised executive order specifically notes the need for hospitals and healthcare providers to resume clinically indicated care that may have been postponed during the initial stage of the crisis.

While I will continue to reference the overall trends in the data related to COVID-19, if you wish to review the data at the county-level personally without the need to build a spreadsheet, the ISDH has enhanced their website and the Regenstrief Institute has developed an additional tool.  If you visit the pages at the following links and click on Hancock County on the map, you will see local detail at a level that was not previously available publicly:

At Hancock Health we continue our COVID-related operations but are also working toward expanding access to our services for non-COVID patients as well.  It is important to note that the majority of patients we have seen during this incident have been for urgent reasons not related to COVID-care.  In addition, the number of patients needing COVID-care has diminished substantially over the course of the last week and is now at a lower level that we believe will be sustained over the long term until a vaccine is developed (with anticipated surges as society re-opens).  Given this, we are beginning to create the healthcare model for the “new normal” in our society.  While we plan on releasing a fourth video update this weekend that touches on these efforts, following are updates on our COVID-related activities currently.

All the Best,

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As East Central Indiana’s population grows, we’re putting health care where people need it most. Besides Hancock Regional Hospital, ranked as one of the nation’s safest by the Lown Hospital Index, our network includes more than 30 other locations near your home or work.

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