
Coronavirus Update: April 15, 2020

April 15, 2020
The COVID-19 statistics today indicate the average trend in new cases is still on a downward slope.  If the trend continues this way for the rest of the week we will be safe in assuming we are past the peak.  Certainly, the number of patients with suspected / confirmed COVID-19 has fallen in the Triage Clinic, the ED, and inpatient units as well.  With this in mind, plans are well underway to create the “new normal” for healthcare in Hancock County, central Indiana, and across the country.  More information to come on all this, but please know that things are moving in a very positive direction!

It is important to remember, the “normal” that we knew is unlikely to return until a preventive vaccine and more robust treatment options have been developed for this disease, but the interim “new normal” will be ever so much easier than what we are experiencing now.  On another bright note, today would have been “tax day” but that has been moved off to July 🙂

If you have not yet had a chance to view it, please take a moment and catch the third video for the community that we created over the weekend:

All the Best,

Coronasmarts: Get Food Without Bringing Home the VirusCoronavirus Update: April 16, 2020

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