Fitness & NutritionMental Well-Being

DIY Kitchen Hacks: Saving Your Time and Money

March 15, 2020

If you’re like most of us, your family’s kitchen—and pantry, and also the closet next to the kitchen, as well as a couple of drawers—is full of a growing collection of pots, pans, and tools. There’s a waffle iron, cake pans, and an array of gadgets for peeling, chopping, carving, or shaping. Maybe you’ve actually got so many tools and so little space that you never cook anything. And cooking at home is good for body, mind, and soul.”

Enter, kitchen hacks: useful little tricks to help you cook like a pro, using the utensils you’ve already got. These are fun little bits of wisdom your grandma might give, but they come with a modern twist.

Here are a few good ones:

Slice corn off the cob using a kitchen knife and Bundt pan.

Just position the corn cob horizontally on the part of the pan that usually forms the hole in the middle of the Bundt cake. Next, carve away, using a big kitchen knife, and watch the kernels land in the pan, ready to become a side dish or part of another culinary creation.

Cut out the cutting.

Feeling uninspired by all the slicing and chopping involved with kitchen artistry? No willing sous chefs in your household? No problem. There are a couple of creative ways around the tedious time suck.

Peel ginger with a spoon.

Use the long edge of a standard spoon to peel ginger. No new kitchen tools are necessary, and the spoon actually works better anyway, yielding fresh ginger— it’s much tastier than the dried kind.

Even the bumps on the ginger root are easy to peel with a spoon and you’ll wind up with a perfect piece of peeled ginger and only the skin as waste.

Use your noodle differently.

Pre-heat your roasting pan with the oven.

We’ve only scratched the surface of the kitchen hacks out there. Do you have a favorite? Share it with us on Facebook and Instagram!