Ice Skating
Visit the Indiana State Fairgrounds and spend a day ice skating. Ice skating is fun for anyone from kids to adults and everything in between. Spend a couple hours moving around on the ice to improve your balance. Remember if you’re going to fall to dip down and hit the ice slowly to avoid injury.
Walk the Dog
Going the extra mile by taking your dog around the block will not only help your dog, but you too! This is a great way to get exercise in since it is already a part of your daily routine. If your kids are involved, they will feel special by having the extra responsibility. If you don’t have a dog, check out your local animal shelter. Most have programs to borrow a dog for a day so you can get in some cuddles without the commitment. Just make sure to bundle up first!
Paint the Snow
Make the snow your canvas! All you need is gel food coloring, spray bottles, and water to make your own Pollock. Fill the spray bottles with about ten drops of food coloring and water and shake well. Take outside to spray all over the snow to “paint” your own pictures. Kids can mix colors to make a masterpiece and get to run around outside all day. It’s a win-win!
Shovel the Driveway
While this might not be the most exciting way to spend your day, it’s a great way to get in exercise while doing chores. Get your family involved by buying smaller toy shovels for little ones to use. If you want to be especially generous, volunteer to help a neighbor shovel their driveway and do good while feeling good!
Scavenger Hunt
Snow day? Use that snow to create a scavenger hunt for your kids. Hide small toys around the yard for the family to run around and find. To get really creative fill an ice tray with colored water and freeze. When the ice is ready, hide it outside in the snow for a pop of color for little ones to be able to find easier.
Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?
There is a reason this activity is a classic. While this might have been fun as a kid, there’s no reason why it won’t be fun as an adult! Roll up snowballs and stack them to create your own Frosty. Mix up this old favorite by challenging your kids to use props or create themselves as a snowperson. Whether you use sticks and a carrot or get more elaborate, building a snowman gives you quality time with your kids and gets you outside in the fresh air.
Remember how fun sledding was when you were a kid? Capture that magic by heading to the perfect hill in Southeastway Park. Hiking to the top is a great workout and sledding down all the way makes the walk worth it! While you sled, watch out for rocks hidden by the snow and other people sledding to make sure this trip doesn’t end at the ER.
Stay on top of your fitness goals and keep your family active by trying one of these fun activities this winter. For more ways to improve your mood this winter, keep reading at: https://www.hancockregionalhospital.org/2017/10/get-outside-improve-mood-winter/