
5 Ways to Stay Sane Until Spring Break

March 5, 2018
It’s almost here. That beacon of light at the end of the tunnel that we call “Spring Break.” While you wait, here are five ways to maintain your sanity during midterms or tests.

Get Organized

It may seem like a no-brainer, but staying organized is a major key to staying sane during midterms. It can be tempting to ditch your planner, reminders app, or Google Calendar in the weeks leading up to spring break, but don’t. Although it may take a few extra minutes to plan out each day, it’ll save you big time in the long run. After all, there’s nothing worse than the panicked craze of forgetting about an assignment until the morning it’s due. Rather than trying to keep track of a mental to-do list, having everything down on paper will instantly make you feel more at ease.

Sweat it Out

In the busy weeks leading up to spring break, working out often gets neglected. That’s a huge mistake. Exercise is exactly what you need during this stressful time. It releases endorphins, which boost your mood, relieves tension in the body, and can even boost your concentration and memory. Who wouldn’t want that during the anxiety-inducing, pressure-filled weeks of midterms?

Take Breaks

This tip is a pretty easy one to get behind. But I’m not just talking about a 10 or 15-minute break to scroll through your Instagram feed when studying for your next exam becomes too unbearable. Instead, I’m talking about scheduled breaks. Set aside time each day to relax–whatever that looks like for you. Doing so will ensure that you maintain your sanity by not getting burnt out. An added bonus? Studies show that taking study breaks can actually boost your attention and performance, so your GPA will thank you.

Get Some Sleep

As papers and tests pile up, sleep is usually the first thing to go. But it shouldn’t be. Resist the urge to pull that all-nighter, it won’t do you any good. In fact, it will do a lot of harm. All-nighters increase the levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, in your body. They also negatively impact your memory, concentration, and immune system. That’s a recipe for disaster during midterms. What’s more, who wants to spend their entire spring break catching up on sleep? Instead, get adequate sleep during the weeks leading up to break, and you’ll truly be able to enjoy it.

Make Time for Self-Care

If sleep is the first thing to go during midterms, self-care is the second. It may feel like you “don’t have time” for self-care, but you have to make time. It could be as simple as putting on a face mask for five minutes before bed, or taking a few minutes to put on your favorite song and jam out. The important thing is that you do it. Self-care is especially important in the weeks leading up to spring break, where you’re bound to feel extra stressed and isolated as you and your friends camp out in the lib. By making time for self-care, you’ll instantly feel a little less stressed, which will make the wait time until spring break a lot more bearable.


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