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What Exactly is Hepatitis A, B, and C?

World Hepatitis Day is July 28th and serves as a great excuse to become educated…

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5 Quick Ways to Stay Healthy This Flu Season

Though there are signs that the 2018 flu season is finally letting up, precautions are…

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Can you Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?

Did you know that June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month? That means that it’s…

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You’ve Come a Long Way… So Why are You Still Smoking?

Smoking has long been a symbol of cool in our society. Greta Garbo, Carol Lombardo,…

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Women Need More Sleep!

Do you remember that time last week when you got eight hours of sleep, and…

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June is Men’s Health Month – Get Involved

Did you know there was a month entirely dedicated to raising awareness for issues impacting…

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Get Ahead of Seasonal Allergies

Are you starting to hear these sounds? Birds chirping, lawn mowers starting, people sniffling and…

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Consult a Doctor Before Beginning an Exercise Program. Just a Disclaimer or Good Advice?

You hear it all the time in workout videos and self-help articles: Check with your…

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When Is It Smart to Get a Second Opinion?

The old saying, “Two heads are better than one,” makes good sense, whether you’re talking…

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