Radiology School Program Details
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Admission and transfer of credit policies
Admission Requirements
- Enter the program with a degree from an accredited secondary educational institution; have completed the prerequisite courses with a minimum grade of C-; have no violations of ARRT, state, or federal laws or codes OR be declared registry eligible by the ARRT at the time of application; successfully complete pre program Occupational Health requirements; successfully meet all Technical Performance Standards for the duration of the program; provide proof of health insurance.
- Enter the program having completed all prerequisite courses with a minimum grade of C- and be eligible for graduation upon completion of the program as required Ivy Tech Community College; have no violations of ARRT, state, or federal laws or codes OR be declared registry eligible by the ARRT at the time of application; successfully complete pre-program Occupational Health requirements; successfully meet all Technical Performance Standards for the duration of the program; provide proof of health
Transfer of Credit
Only credits from an accredited college or university are accepted for program prerequisites.
At the time of graduation, the Program Director will verify that all graduation requirements and terminal objectives have been satisfied.
The graduate has completed:
- applicable rotation objectives as set forth by the program program &/or ARRT clinical competency requirements*
- all clinical rotations as set forth by the program*
- all didactic requirements as mandated by the ARRT/ASRT
- the clinical portion of the program with a minimum cumulative average of 85%
- the didactic portion of the program with a minimum cumulative average of 80%
- the HESI with minimum score of 675 (if applicable)
The graduate has demonstrated competence in:
- application of body mechanics, patient transfer
- sterile and medical aseptic technique
- nursing procedures: vital signs and use of medical equipment
- venipuncture/ placement of IV catheter
- care of patient medical equipment
- a minimum of 45 mandatory radiographic procedures as established by the program*
- a minimum of 15 elective radiographic procedures as established by the program*
- CT scanning of the head, thorax and abdomen
The School of Radiologic Technology requires that students complete more mandatory procedures than the ARRT requires, however, the program reserves the right to modify &/or supersede the school’s published policies and schedules in extreme circumstances, such as a national health emergency &/or implementation of the Contingency Plan. Regardless of circumstances, the ARRT Competency Requirements will always be met prior to student program completion
Didactic Grading scale: averages determined to the nearest tenth
100 – 95 (A)
94.9 – 88 (B)
87.9 – 80 (C)
79.9 – 75 (D)
74.9 or below is failure
- End of trimester course average: 75% or higher
- End of course average: 80% or higher
- Cumulative end of trimester average for all didactic courses: 80% or higher
- Cumulative didactic average for all courses over all trimesters: 80% or higher
- The program average is determined by the average of the clinical and didactic cumulative averages: 82.5% or higher
Clinic Grading scale: averages determined to the nearest tenth.
100 – 95 (A)
94.9 – 88 (B)
87.9 – 85 (C)
84.9 or below is failure
- End of trimester course average: 85% or higher
- Clinical Performance Evaluation: 85% or higher in each separate performance area at end of trimester
- End of course average: 85% or higher
- Cumulative end of trimester average for all clinical courses: 85% or higher
- Cumulative clinical average for all courses over all trimesters: 85% or higher
- Program average is determined by the average of the clinical and didactic cumulative averages: 82.5% or higher
Students are assigned to a “home” clinical site for the entire first year, Monday, Wednesday through Friday, 8am-4pm. The student is at Hancock Regional Hospital for class on Tuesdays, 8am-4pm.
During the student’s second year they are assigned weekday, weekend, and 1-9pm rotations as well as rotations to each of the other clinical sites. Additionally, during the second year students do a two week Interventional Radiology rotation at Community Hospital East. The student is at Hancock Regional Hospital for class on Thursdays, 8am-4pm.
Trimester 1: July-November
Trimester 2: November-March
Trimester 3: March- July
Trimester 4: July- October
Trimester 5: October-January
Trimester 6: January-May
In the first year students will rotate through a total of 51 clinical weeks.
In the second year students will rotate through a total of 43 clinical weeks.
Formal Resolution of Grievance
The Buckley Amendment assures the student of a fair policy, the right to privacy, and an appeals process. Should a student have a complaint resulting from a decision, act, or omission that directly affects the student, or, it is felt the student has not received fair and equitable treatment, the student has the undeniable right to initiate an appeals process and proceed through the steps outlined below.
If the student has a concern about the school not being in compliance with the Standards, the JRCERT may be contacted by at: JRCERT, 20 N. Wacker Dr., Suite 2850. Chicago, IL 60606-3182. Students must exhaust all steps in the appeal process prior to making contact with the JRCERT.
Step #1 – Should the student wish to lodge a complaint the student must do so within 3 business days of the action/incident by submitting a written statement to the Program Director and/or the Clinical Instructor. A meeting will take place with the student and program director. A written or verbal decision will be given within 5 business days. If the student believes the decision to be unjust, the student may proceed to step #2.
Step #2 – The student must submit a written statement of the complaint to the Hancock Health Imaging Department Director and Program Director within 3 business days of the decision made in step #1. A meeting between the three individuals will be scheduled. A verbal or written decision will be given within 5 business days
following the meeting. If the student believes the decision to be unjust, the student may proceed to step #3.
Step #3 – The student must within 3 business days after the decision in step #2 submit a written summary of the complaint to the School Advisory Board*. An Advisory Board meeting will be arranged to review the student’s concern at the earliest time available. A written decision will be given within 5 business days following the meeting. If the student believes the decision to be unjust, the student may proceed to step #4.
Step #4 – The student must within 3 business days after receiving the decision from step #3 submit a written summary of the concern to the Hancock Health Administration.** The Hancock Health Administration will review the student’s concern at its earliest convenience and will, within 30 days, render the final and binding
decision between the hospital and/or school and the student.
*The Program Director and the student’s Clinical Instructor will not be involved in complaint decisions made by the Advisory Board.
** Program faculty and the Imaging Department director will not be involved in complaint decisions made by the Hancock Health Administration.
Complaints apart from those invoking the Grievance Procedure that could negatively affect the quality of education should be made to program faculty in writing. Consultation with the parties involved, regarding the complaint, will occur at the monthly clinical instructor meeting and/or with the department director of the student’s clinical site and/or the Advisory Board and a response will be presented to the student within 5 days after the consultation.
The program will maintain a log of formal student appeals made through the grievance process as well as informal complaints in order to insure tracking of occurrences and for identification of patterns that may require further program review.
Student Handbook
Click HERE to review the Student Handbook.