Congratulations to the dedicated team at the Hancock Health Women’s Clinic located inside the James T. Anderson, MD, Center for Women’s Health at Hancock Regional Hospital on being awarded a generous grant from the Indiana Breast Cancer Awareness Trust (IBCAT), a fund supported by the sale of the Indiana breast cancer license plates that provides breast health services for qualifying patients. This is the fifth year in a row that the Women’s Clinic has been awarded the grant.
“We are grateful and honored to have been selected as a 2025 grant recipient for funding from The Indiana Breast Cancer Awareness Trust,” said Becky Pohland, Hancock Health Women’s Clinic Coordinator. “During the past four years, this funding has allowed us to provide 185 breast health services for 109 uninsured and underinsured women in 7 central Indiana counties. These services range from screening (mammograms and clinical breast exams ) to diagnostic mammograms and ultrasounds, breast MRIs and breast biopsies. Many of these patients would have forgone these valuable tests without the financial assistance they received from our IBCAT funding. Thank you for making a huge difference in breast health care in Indiana!”
The Women’s Clinic exists to fill a gap in healthcare for Central Indiana women and aims to serve those that are at-risk and are either underinsured or uninsured. Annually, the team tirelessly works to secure funding to ensure all women within our community and the surrounding areas have access to basic women’s health and preventative services. This includes breast and pelvic exams, pap smears, contraception, hormone replacement, biopsies when needed and STD testing and treatment.
Since the Breast Cancer Awareness special group recognition (SGR) license plate was first made available in 2002, $7 million has been distributed by the Indiana Breast Cancer Awareness Trust (IBCAT) through competitively awarded grants to organizations throughout Indiana for innovative projects for breast cancer screening, diagnostic and support services not otherwise available to medically underserved populations in Indiana. In addition, over $131,500 has been awarded in scholarships to high school seniors who have lost a parent to breast cancer or have a parent currently battling the disease.
The mission of the Indiana Breast Cancer Awareness Trust, Inc. is to increase awareness and improve access to breast cancer screening, diagnosis and support services throughout Indiana. Indiana residents may purchase an Indiana breast cancer awareness special group recognition license plate by visiting any Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles branch, online at IN.gov/BMV, or on a BMV Connect kiosk for an annual $40 fee, $25 of which is a direct tax-deductible donation (to the extent of the law). The plate may be purchased for display on passenger motor vehicles, motorcycles, trucks with a declared gross weight of not more than 11,000 pounds, and recreational vehicles.
The Indiana Breast Cancer Awareness SGR license plate was the brain-child of the late Nancy Jaynes, a Plymouth (IN) High School family and consumer sciences teacher. Nancy lost her battle with breast cancer in March of 2008. Her vision that the license plate be a traveling billboard and reminder about the importance of early detection of breast cancer is alive and making a difference to thousands of Hoosiers.
For more information or to make a direct donation to the Indiana Breast Cancer Awareness Trust, please visit our website at www.BreastCancerPlate.org.
For more information on the Women’s Clinic and it’s positive impact on the community visit hancockhealth.org. If you are interested in receiving care at the Women’s Clinic, call (317)468-4641, or email rpohland@hancockhealth.org. Patients may be asked to provide proof of financial status prior to receiving care.