Healthcare Tips

Give a Gift That Keeps Them Living

December 25, 2023
An elderly woman having blood drawn by a doctor.

Thanks to things like cold and flu season and busy holiday times, the winter months tend to have the lowest turnouts for blood drives. This can cause a shortage of life-saving blood and plasma that is critical for care, regardless of the season. So if you’re looking for a way to give back this holiday season, consider going to a local blood drive to help alleviate some of the need.

Why Should I Donate?

According to the Versiti Blood Center of Indiana, 550 donations are needed per day to serve the 80+ Indiana hospitals that the blood center serves. Donating just one pint of blood can save up to three lives. Plus, of the 38% of people who are eligible to donate blood, only 5% actually donate, making the likelihood of getting the necessary amount of blood even lower. 

If you aren’t sure you’re eligible to donate, you can rest assured that many myths surrounding blood donation eligibility (such as the rumor you can’t have tattoos to donate) have been debunked. The phlebotomist who draws your blood will be able to let you know your blood type, and can also test it before collecting it to let you know if your blood carries any infectious diseases that may prevent you from donating.

So even if you aren’t sure you’re eligible, donate anyway. You may learn you’re an acceptable donor and your blood type is urgently needed and can give critical care.

Where Can I Give Blood?

The Versiti Blood Center of Indiana’s online location and scheduling tool makes donation easy. Simply enter your ZIP code to find the donation center near you, then schedule a time to give. Some convenient locations in December include Hancock Regional Hospital, Hancock Wellness New Palestine, the Hancock County Public Library, and the Hancock County Sheriff’s Office.

Blood is a present that keeps on giving. And this holiday season, the most valuable gift you can offer another may be life itself.