Let’s face it, we’re all busy people. And while we always start the year off with resolutions and good intentions, suddenly it’s almost the end of the year and you’ve got nothing to show for all those lofty health goals you set back in January. Don’t be discouraged. If you’re struggling to find enough time in the day to focus on healthy habits, then look no further—get your goals back on track with these healthy hacks that take just a minute to complete.
Practicing Mindfulness in a Busy World
Mindfulness might seem like something that requires a lot of focus, concentration, and extra time you don’t have. But that isn’t always the case. For just a simple exercise in being more mindful, all you need is a minute—and a raisin.
No, we’re not joking. Grab a raisin (or any other small snack will do) and focus on the sensations of the raisin as you eat it. What does it taste like? How does it feel in your fingers and your mouth? What sounds does it make when you bite into it? This incredibly simple exercise refocuses your brain on the present—and all the sensations you’re experiencing in the moment. It’s a great way to practice mindfulness without all the extra dedication.
Do Yoga Without Even Standing Up
Maybe that goal you set at the beginning of the year involved yoga. If you’re stuck at a desk job, struggling to carve out a spare moment during the day, or just plain don’t have the motivation, it can be tricky to get moving. But if you want a quick and easy way to get started, try chair yoga—you don’t even have to stand. Find a few exercises that suit you best, and you’ll be lunging toward your health goals before you know it.
Track the Good Stuff
In our busy lives, it can be especially difficult to remember and appreciate all the little things. That’s why we recommend keeping a gratitude journal. It doesn’t have to be anything major, and filling it out can take just a minute. All you have to do is jot down something that made you smile, or a good memory you had of the day. Taking a moment to remember the positives will put you one step closer to living a healthier, happier life.
You don’t have to have hours of extra time in the day in order to build healthy habits. All it takes is a minute, and you’ll be on your way in no time at all.