Holiday stress is the worst! Between parties and pageants, presents and a plethora of family time, it can feel like the whole tail-end of the year is one giant pain in the neck. If relieving holiday stress is at the top of your to-do list, then we have some great tips for you!
Holiday Stress Doesn’t Have to Take Over
Of course, there are joyous and fun times to be had during the holidays and managing your stress will help you to be more present with those you love. Keeping the deluge of stress at bay will take intention and work but will be worth it in the long run. To make it through the holidays without needing all of January to recover can mean a more balanced, healthy, and calm season for you and everyone around you.
Before you start the lists, shopping or preparations, check out these 7 things you can do to banish your holiday stress:
1. Plan ahead
Sure, you might get a whole bunch of invitations to various parties, gatherings and more this holiday season, but that doesn’t mean you need to do it all. Choose wisely which things mean the most to both you and your family. In other words, what type of activities will bring you the most joy this season? Then, plan accordingly using whatever calendar tool works best for you!
2. Delegate
Once you figure out which activities would make your holiday the most joyful, it’s time to delegate to friends and family. Got some people coming over for a dinner? See if they want to help you cook or, better yet, make it a potluck so you aren’t doing all the leg work. Relying on others to pitch in is a great way to create a feeling of community around the holidays.
3. Say no
Along with planning ahead and delegating to others, remember that it is more than okay to say no. If you don’t feel up to hosting or heading to yet another gathering, sit this one out. Knowing your own limitations will help you to maintain realistic expectations with both yourself and others.
4. Create a relaxing environment
What helps you to feel the most relaxed around the holidays? Do you adore the glow of scented candles in the evening? What about calming music or some warm and cozy blankets? Make sure that one thing you try to keep up with is the stress-free ambiance of your home!
5. Maintain your healthy habits
The holidays might throw some curve balls into even the best laid workout routine or healthy diet, but that doesn’t mean you should give up. Try, as best as you can, to maintain your healthy habits (with a little wiggle room so you aren’t pressuring yourself and adding to your own stress). If you can’t get to the gym often this season, see if you can set goals for daily movement. And if you are trying to stick to a healthy diet but those gingerbread cookies are calling your name, just remember that everything is fine in moderation.
6. Stick to a budget
Money can be tight during the holidays. Before you even start heading out to those Black Friday Sales, set up a budget for yourself, listing all that you will be allotting to gifts, decorations and activities this season. Holiday stress combined with financial pressure is never a wise way to enjoy the season of giving.
7. Relax
It’s easy to hop on the holiday train in November and then jump off in January wondering where all the time went. This year, make it a point to stay present with those you love. Relax into their company and take plenty of time to enjoy all your hard work. Afterall, it’s the most wonderful time of the year, but only if you are present enough to see it.
By planning ahead, asking for help, maintaining realistic expectations and allowing yourself to relax into the present moment this holiday season, we hope you are able to enjoy all of those beautiful moments with friends and family. Wishing you much happiness and joy this year!