Healthcare TipsMental Well-Being

Putting Your Best Foot Forward: Recovery after Foot and Ankle Surgery

October 20, 2022

Let’s face it—recovering from foot and ankle surgeries isn’t exactly fun, or easy for that matter. Depending on your procedure, it could take weeks or even months for you to recover, and all that time off your feet will be followed by physical therapy and a slow build to your previous activity levels. Overall, it’s a long and arduous recovery time. 

Luckily, there are many things you can do throughout your rehabilitation to not only ensure you’ll be putting your best foot forward post-surgery, but also to speed up the healing process and make your journey toward recuperation as fast and easy as possible.

Coordinate your caretakers

Make sure you have someone available to drive you home immediately following your surgery, and if you live alone, it might be smart to have that person stay with you for a day or two to help watch for any problems after surgery. 

It’s also a good idea to stock up on any household essentials, as you may not be able to drive for some time after your surgery. It may also be wise to have someone help you with household tasks such as cleaning, shopping, and navigating stairs if your home has them—at least for the first week or so of your recovery.

Be mindful of instructions

Your post-surgical instructions are vital to ensuring you make a swift and safe recovery. It’s important to follow them closely so your recuperation goes smoothly. Your post-surgery instructions will likely include plenty of rest, restricted movement, and even assisted devices like crutches or a wheelchair to help you get around. You may wish to get back to normal as soon as possible. You may feel like you can handle advanced movement or more pressure on your foot after surgery, but if your surgical instructions tell you to limit movement in one way or another, the speediest recovery will come from following those directives. 

Other instructions may include physical therapy and medications. Take medications only as directed and tell your doctor right away if you start experiencing any side effects. Attend your physical therapy sessions as mandated by your doctor, as well.

You’ve got this, and so do we

Your care team at Hancock Orthopedics is prepared to help you through every step of your surgery and recovery process. Just remember, as long as you take care of yourself post-surgery and follow your doctor’s instructions, you’ll be putting your best foot forward for your recovery.

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Hancock Orthopedics treats conditions of the hand, wrist, shoulder, elbow, feet, and ankles.

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