Healthcare Tips

Meet Tracie: Over 40 Years of Making Health Possible

September 14, 2022

It takes a village to run a hospital. From nurses to cooks, surgeons to housekeepers, board members to doctors, everyone has a part to play in a patient’s journey. Tracie Arnett, a housekeeper for Hancock Regional Hospital, has been making health possible as part of her job for nearly 44 years. Here’s what she had to say about her rewarding career with Hancock Health.

Q: So, Tracie, what does your job entail?

A: Mostly I’m cleaning and sanitizing hospital spaces. I also change linens, clean patient rooms, set up meeting spaces for key events, and other core functions to keep the hospital running smoothly. Overall, I work to make sure the hospital environment is clean, safe, and welcoming for our staff, visitors, and patients.

Q: Do you have a favorite part of your job?

A: I like knowing that my work makes a clean and presentable environment for patients and visitors. It isn’t just about making sure the staff has what they need to keep things operating well, it’s also about making sure the patient experience is the best it can be. The work I do impacts the patient’s overall experience at the hospital, and it’s something I have taken pride in for forty-three-and-a-half years now.

Q: Wow! That’s a long time.

A: Yes! It’s been a great experience. I’ve loved getting to meet and interact with patients, as well. It’s been wonderful to know the work I do genuinely makes a difference in the patient experience at Hancock.

Q: When you aren’t working to make health possible for patients, what do you enjoy doing in your free time?

A: I love spending time in the kitchen! That’s usually where you can find me when I’m not on the clock. I also love to read and enjoy traveling.

Q: What’s the best part about working for Hancock Health?

A: I love the department pitch-ins and our holiday gatherings. It’s good to see everyone in the same place and connect with one another there. We’re a close staff and everybody knows everybody. It’s wonderful to work in a place where you have that kind of relationship with others.

If you’re interested in working with Tracie and the rest of the housekeeping team, Hancock Health is currently hiring housekeepers, along with several other open positions. Find a fit that’s right for you and join our team in making health possible.