Mental Well-Being

True Health Depends on Maintaining Your Well-Being, Too.

April 18, 2022

When you hear “health,” what comes to mind? Is it whether you have physical symptoms of disease? Whether you can exercise without pain? Whether your diet makes you feel energetic or sluggish? 

Those are important elements of health, but there’s another—one that underlies everything that happens with your body and can undermine the physical efforts you make toward health. Your mental health is essential for overall well-being. When you experience stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues, your body reacts, as well. Your immunity lessens, and your digestion struggles, in addition to a zillion other ways your mental health influences your physical health. 

In other words, the two aren’t separate. Your mental and physical health are like strands in a rope. When one goes, the strength of the whole is compromised. All this is not to stress you out (not great for health) but to encourage you to nurture your mental health. A little attention to this element of health can give you a whole lot of important benefits.

First: Get help when you need it. 

Asking for help is a struggle for many people, especially for women who feel they’ve got people depending on them. But the airplane oxygen mask analogy applies, as always: Taking care of yourself first is the absolute best way to take care of others. So if you’re really struggling, and symptoms like difficulty sleeping, mood swings, or difficulty concentrating persist for more than two weeks, get professional help.

Work in happy practices daily.

Mental health isn’t achievable in a massage or a weekend hike every six months or so. It depends on doing nice things like these for yourself every day.

Take a mental health day when you need it. 

You don’t have to have a fever to give yourself a day off. Taking time for yourself makes you a better employee, partner, parent . . . person. And you can go to a movie in the middle of the day, which is the best of life. 

If you ever think you might need some expert help, the counselors at Hancock Counseling and Psychiatric Services are always available. Contact us at 317-468-6200 and find your care team.