Ah, spring. The time of year of budding flowers, warming sunshine, and … head injuries? While we may not equate spring with increased ER visits, it makes sense when you consider how many sports seasons kick off across the state once the chill of winter has faded. Baseball and softball, lacrosse, tennis, and track and field are just a few fun activities, not to mention an uptick in the number of people riding bikes or playing pickup games on a daily basis.
While there is always a chance of injury with any type of sport, there are oodles of safety gear options available to prevent both facial and head injuries. It may not always look fashionable, but it allows participants to enjoy their sport without the threat of a serious or even life-threatening injury.
Hand me those cool shades
One of the most susceptible parts of the face is the eyes. That’s why protective eyewear is strongly encouraged when playing sports. In fact, according to the American College of Opthalmology, a whopping 90% of sports-related eye injuries could be avoided with the proper use of protective eyewear. Many athletes also appreciate the anti-fog and anti-glare capabilities that aid in seeing more clearly when facing the springtime sun.
Wear your helmet
Whether you’re up to bat or biking, a helmet prevents a wide variety of head injuries and reduces the severity of any injury that does occur. Head injuries can be dangerous, ranging from concussions to contusions or even open wounds with heavy bleeding. Studies show that concussions don’t just affect you in the moment and throughout your recovery, but may leave a lasting impression on your brain, which has athletes treating their helmets with more regard than ever before.
Guard those pearly whites
Mouthguards are common in many sports, including wrestling, football, basketball, and more. That’s because it is much easier to wear a guard to protect your teeth, lips, and tongue than it is to fix a mouth injury. Any sport that involves even the slightest risk of taking a hit to the mouth requires a mouth guard. A properly fitted guard will be effective, comfortable and stay fixed throughout your activity. Furthermore, a well-fitted mouth guard won’t hinder your ability to talk or breathe during your athletic exercise.
Shield defense
A face shield can pick up where a helmet and protective eyewear leave off, making it a great option for protecting your face from injury. There are incredibly delicate bones surrounding the eyes, nose, and jaw that are at serious risk in sports that involve balls, pucks, rackets or sticks. A face shield is another layer of defense against injury.
When it comes to safety in sports, preventing injuries before they happen is key in keeping players happy, safe, engaged, and on the field. No matter what sports you enjoy this spring, take proper precautions to protect your face and head from injury. Keeping your body healthy and safe won’t just benefit you this season but will give you a lifetime of enjoying the activities you love.