Healthy Relationships

Introducing Hank

April 4, 2022

Meet Hank, Hancock Health’s director of fun.

If you’ve visited Hancock Regional Hospital, there’s a chance you’ve already run into him. It’s hard to miss a big, orange frog. Hank can usually be found greeting patients, working out at Healthway Park (he loves the pools), or hanging out with his best friend, Hancock Health President and CEO Steve Long. Hank’s even got an office in the hospital to use whenever he needs quiet time to get his work done.

Hank’s got a lot of work to do, too. His responsibilities include spreading hoppiness everywhere he goes and making sure our doctors, nurses, associates, and patients know they’re appreciated. Still, Hank is toad-ally living his best life in his dream job, so he’ll jump for joy at any task he’s given.

A Day with Hank

Here’s a look at Hank’s busy daily schedule: 

5 a.m. Wakes up in his lily pad

5:30 a.m. Eats flies from his fly jar

6:00 a.m. Leaps into the pond, swims laps 

6:30 a.m. Gets the tadpoles up, makes green algae smoothies

7:45 a.m. Sits on a toadstool, meditates

7 a.m. Hops to Hancock Regional Hospital  

7:30 a.m. Arrives, spreads hoppiness on the way in 

8 a.m. Gets a Diet Croak and starts his morning meetings 

9:30 a.m. Hugs Steve Long 

10 a.m. Schedules appearances 

12 p.m. Eats a light lunch (two worms and a grasshopper) 

1- 3 p.m. Checks in on Hank’s Army, the group of Hancock Health associates recruited to help Hank spread hoppiness. Distributes Ribbeting Rewards to the high achievers in the group.

3:30 p.m. Visits nurses, doctors, and associates. Gives high fives. 

4 p.m. Researches dad jokes for his weekly newsletter, The Lily Pad, which gives everyone positive news about Hancock Health every Monday. You can check it out at

5 p.m. Leaps back to his own lily pad, spreading hoppiness along the way 5:30 p.m. Arrives home, prepares for sunset on the pond

As you can see, our Hank is one busy amphibian. Don’t forget to look for him the next time you visit Hancock Regional Hospital, Hancock Wellness Center, or any of our health care system’s other facilities. You never know where he’ll hop in next!