From Local Kids
You may have heard the quote, “We are less when we don’t include everyone.” What does that mean? It means including everyone only makes things more fun! You might call it being an “includer,” someone who welcomes you, who thinks of others and who is fun!
Check out tips from some Hancock County first- and second-graders on simple ways to be kind. And then check out the video below about being “an includer” and how it can really make someone’s day!
“Asking if they want to be my friend. Invite them to do something with me.” – Elliott, 2st grade at Weston
“Be kind to them. I always ask Sissy if she wants to do what I’m doing, and tell her she can later if she won’t right now.” – Aiden, 3rd grade (referring to his high-functioning ASD sister)
“Invite them to my birthday and tell them it’s OK to not bring a gift. We can just play and eat cake and have fun!” – Skye, 2nd grade at JB Stevens
“Help them, also sharing is caring.” – Hudson John, 1st grade at JB Stephens
“I think people should be kind to other people and play with them and be nice and talk about positive things.” – Harrison, 2nd grade at JB Stephens
“By telling them they look nice and holding their hand on the playground.” – Sophie Bean, 1st grade at Weston
Want to know more about being an includer? Check out this video from HeartFun!
We hope these tidbits from your fellow Hancock County students remind and inspire you to include others, especially those who may be a little different than you.