Monday Motivation
“Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.”
–Nelson Mandela
Thanks to Our Nurse Navigators
When our patients with cancer have questions or need support after hours, they’re never left alone. Instead, our nurse navigators are on call 24/7. They help patients understand complex medical terms, care plans, and also provide emotional support. Check out this video about our nurse navigators and hear their patients’ heartfelt thanks.
What’s Happening With Health Possible?
Kids make our lives richer, more fun and interesting, and sometimes more stressful. Our lifestyle website,, addresses all of that and more. There are health tips, recipes, and ideas for fun, educational family activities—all created with your littles in mind.
- Out of child-friendly lunch ideas? These plates will please their palates.
- Got a kid with test anxiety? We’ll help them chill out.
- Is family time crushing your alone time? Get your groove back.
Office Spotlight: Hancock Immediate Care – Greenfield
When you’re sick, but not sick enough for the emergency room, and your doctor’s office is closed, what do you do? Look for an immediate care option, of course. Luckily, Hancock Immediate Care is located nearby in Greenfield—and our associates are known for treating their patients like family. Find out more in our office spotlight.
Hank’s Dad Joke of the Week
Q:Have you heard about the chocolate record player?
A: They sound pretty sweet.