Healthcare Tips

Childhood Cancer Awareness

September 1, 2021

Childhood cancer is one of the most devastating diseases impacting families in our country. Most parents can think of nothing worse than hearing the news that their child is terminally ill. September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, and Hancock Health is intent on drawing attention to both this terrible disease and the huge impact it has on children and their families.

Each year, about 15,780 children are diagnosed with cancer in our country alone, while globally the number climbs to about 300,000. About 10% of these cases are caused by a genetic mutation. The worst part? About 20% of those children will not survive the disease, and cancer still remains the No. 1 cause of death for children in America. These statistics are enough to incite oceans of empathy and compassion to any family who struggles through this disease. 

That being said, the children who are diagnosed with cancer are incomprehensibly resilient. They are little warriors showing us that joy and beauty can be found in the simplest things in life. Childhood Cancer Awareness Month aims to honor these kids, both survivors and those who have passed, with the signature gold ribbon as well as a multitude of events and programming. 

If you, your family or a group of friends wants to help in the cause of raising awareness of childhood cancer, please check out the ways you can join in the efforts below!

Organize an event

The American Childhood Cancer Organization needs organizers to raise awareness by doing something we all do every Saturday morning … wearing pajamas! Wear pajamas to school or work in exchange for donations to help raise awareness through PJammin’ for Kids With Cancer. You can even organize an event at your school or workplace. Wearing gold to raise awareness is also a fun idea, as this is the color ribbon associated with childhood cancer. You can get some gear for free by organizing an event or shop at St. Jude’s.


Donating to St. Jude’s or St. Baldricks is a great way to show your support in helping researchers find a cure for kid’s cancers. Both sites feature stories from families of survivors as well as those sharing memories that they hope will make a difference in the lives of others.


If you know of an event happening in your area, make sure to participate and do your part to raise awareness! St. Jude’s offers both virtual and in-person walk/runs, so even if you don’t consider yourself an athlete, suit up in gold (optional) and move (required) for the tiny warriors who battle for life every day! 

Childhood cancer is devastating for families and communities, which is why raising awareness is so important. It can be incredibly helpful for families who have lost children to see strangers showing interest and caring about childhood cancer. Show your support this month by getting together with friends to organize an event, participating in a walk or run, or even just donating money to this worthy cause. Together, we can help defeat this monstrous disease.