Healthcare Tips

June 6 is the Day to Celebrate the Cancer Warriors in Your Life

May 27, 2021

National Cancer Survivors Day, held on the first Sunday of June, celebrates the approximately 16.9 million Americans who have faced and beat cancer. It honors their strength and the people who support them.

The day also highlights the challenges cancer survivors face from financial difficulties and health insurance issues to anxiety and depression. They often worry about a relapse or the long-term effects of their treatment. 

With that in mind, celebrating life with your friends and family who’ve beat cancer is an upbeat, supportive thing to do. You can plan your observance on and around June 6 this year. Here are a few ideas.

Pick an adventure

Many cancer patients are told to avoid crowds because of their compromised immune systems. So if it’s approved by the doctors, why not go for a fun adventure or day trip? Think of a favorite pastime, hobby, or something your friend or family member missed during treatment. 

Give a gift 

Unexpected gifts are always welcome. Maybe the survivor in your life would like some pampering in the form of a massage or even an entire spa day. You can also give gift cards for restaurants and other forms of entertainment. 

Donate to the cause 

If a gift isn’t the right option, maybe a donation is. With a new outlook on life, many cancer patients are passionate about helping others who are going through the same struggles they faced. Show your loved one that you are proud of them with your charitable gift, signing up for a fun run, or donating to Locks of Love.

Join a celebration 

While cancer is incredibly difficult, its survivors are examples of how resilient the human spirit can be in the face of challenge. By celebrating the survivors in our lives and community, we let them know that they are supported, so observe National Cancer Survivors Day with someone you love this year!

Hancock Health is celebrating Survivors Day for an entire week this year. Check back for more details, but we’re planning a week of fun to reach as many people as possible and still maintain the safety protocols associated with COVID-19.