In Hancock County, mental health and suicide are among the top three health concerns according to surveyed residents. If you want to be prepared to help someone who is considering self harm or suicide, you can attend a local QPR Suicide Prevention Training hosted by Healthy365. This quarterly free event can help you save a life with three simple steps.
What is QPR?
QPR stands for “Question, Persuade, Refer,” which are the three steps that you can take to assist someone in crisis. We all know that CPR can save lives, and so can QPR. This emergency mental health intervention was first developed in 1995 by Paul Quinnett to help suicidal individuals with an easy to remember abbreviation.
What is addressed in QPR training?
Our QPR training will help train attendees to first recognize early signs of self-harm or suicide ideation in friends, family members, coworkers or classmates. Acknowledging early warning signs is one of the most important ways to prevent suicide.
According to the QPR Institute, “Often times, the simple offering of hope and social and spiritual support can avert a suicide attempt entirely.” We will also address how to help someone who is currently suicidal and how to refer them to resources that can help.
What are the early signs of suicide?
Some warning signs that a person is contemplating suicide can include: depression, expressing feelings of hopelessness, giving away special possessions, talking about suicide or obtaining legal means to act on their thoughts. Because these signs are most easily noticed by families or loved ones, we believe that anyone can benefit from QPR training.
Are there other resources that can help?
If you are a Hancock County resident searching for local mental health resources for yourself or a loved one, our Healthy365Support Navigators can help connect you with programs that can help. For young people with mental health concerns, our team hosts the Rise Above It program in local schools to address age-appropriate topics with students and their families.
If you feel you’re at risk of harming yourself, or others, call 911 immediately. You can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at (800) 273-8255 (TALK) for free and confidential support for those in crisis. You can also speak to someone online if you prefer.
When is the next QPR training?
Healthy365 is hosting four QPR training events in 2021. Our first two events will be hosted virtually, and the second are planned to take place in person with locations to be announced.
●February 12, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Virtual Training
●May 11, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Virtual Training
●August 11, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Location TBD
●November 11, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Location TBD
You can learn more or register for an upcoming QPR training event online at