Healthcare TipsMental Well-Being

Dr. Molly Strong: Empowering Women, One OB/GYN Visit at a Time

January 26, 2021

The inspiration for Dr. Molly Strong’s life’s work came from a Washington, D.C., women’s clinic. She was volunteering there, working with teen mothers, when she picked a career in obstetrics and gynecology. 

“I fell in love with the way you can empower a woman during pregnancy. The young women I worked with were at a pivotal point in their lives, and I loved that I could form a relationship with them and become a guide,” she said. “Later, as I learned more about the gynecology side of it, I felt it was the same—just working hand in hand with women to improve their lives.” 

That’s the spirit Dr. Strong and her support staff bring to their patients every day at Hancock OB/GYN. Her reason: Carving out time for women to consider their health care in a welcoming environment results in stronger communities.

“Women are the backbone of most communities, and I think that we, as women, sometimes put our needs second because there are so many other people we’re trying to help, whether it’s our family members, co-workers, or neighbors,” she said. 

Creating a cozy, welcoming environment where the needs of women come first, starts with listening to patients and respecting what they say. Dr. Strong wants women to feel like her office is the right place to express themselves and build a plan to meet any goals they have—from weight loss and increasing daily energy to scheduling routine screenings. 

“My hope is for it to seem like our patients are having a free Saturday morning with a friend,” she said. “I want it to feel like a spa.”

But no matter where they get their health care, women should feel respected by the doctors, nurses, and staff who work in gynecology and obstetrics, she said. 

“They should expect that when they call us, any issues they’re having are going to be handled quickly and efficiently. And that’s part of the culture at Hancock Health. The people who work here have real, authentic compassion and care for the patients,” she said.

Dr. Strong and the rest of the staff at Hancock Health’s women’s care are dedicated to listening to every patient who comes through our doors because we know that’s the first step in providing exceptional health care. To learn more contact Hancock OB/GYN or call us at 317-462-5544.