Healthcare Tips

Donating Blood Is the Easiest Way to Save A Life

October 5, 2020

Many hospitals are still trying to make up deficits in blood stores from when blood drives across the country were suspended. Supplies have dipped, but the need hasn’t changed: every two seconds, someone needs blood. Donate blood. It’s the easiest way you can help save a life.

A one-pint, whole blood donation is the simplest way to donate and it takes about ten minutes. Whole blood is given during surgeries and to trauma patients. A unit of blood expires in forty-two days, but can be further separated into individual components:

What’s Your Type?

According to surveys, over 40% of US adults don’t know their blood type. Not only is it a good thing to know, but some blood types are needed more for specific donations: 

Even if you don’t know your blood type, donate. The testing process reveals your type and many organizations let you set up a secure online profile where it will be posted for you.

If you want to donate blood, contact the American Red Cross for more information.