Getting a flu vaccine any year is a good idea but getting one now is more important than ever.
That’s because flu season arrives this fall and, unfortunately, we’re still trying to stop the spread of COVID-19. Since the flu and coronavirus are respiratory illnesses with similar symptoms, they have the potential to create confusion and put extra pressure on our healthcare system. So getting vaccinated is just another way you can help keep yourself, your family, and our entire community safe.
The good news is that Hancock Health is offering a convenient drive-thru flu shot clinic Saturday, October 3 from 9 a.m. to noon at Gateway, 6189 W. John L. Modglin Drive in Greenfield—at I-70 and Mount Comfort Road. The vaccinations will be quick, easy, and affordable at $20 each, which is covered by most insurance plans.
And as you make your plans around getting a flu vaccine, we know you probably have a few questions. Below are answers to questions our doctors are often asked.
Who should get vaccinated and when?
Almost everyone (six months and older) should get a flu vaccine, though there are different vaccines for different groups. It’s particularly important to get vaccinated if you’re 65 or older and/or have a chronic medical condition.
The right time to get the vaccine is before the flu virus starts spreading in our community because it takes about two weeks after receiving the vaccination for the body’s antibodies to develop. Stopping by our October 3 walk-in clinic at Gateway is one way to get a quick, convenient vaccination or you can make an appointment with your family doctor. But even if something stops you from getting the shot in the next few weeks, it’s still a good idea to get one as soon as you can.
Where can I get vaccinated?
Vaccines are offered in Hancock Health doctors’ offices and clinics, pharmacies, college health centers, and many employers have programs, too. You can also attend our vaccination clinic at Gateway on October 3—the details are above.
What if I got a vaccine last year?
It’s important to get a vaccination every year because your immune protection declines over time and flu viruses change—so the flu you were vaccinated for last year may not be the one going around this year.
Does a flu shot increase my risk of getting COVID-19?
There’s no evidence that getting a flu shot increases the risk of getting COVID-19. In addition to the benefit of being less likely to get the flu, it’s even more important this year to do all we can to reduce illnesses and save our healthcare resources.
Can people get the flu even though they’ve been vaccinated?
Yes, but vaccines have been shown to reduce the severity of the illness in people who do get sick. Studies show that the vaccine reduces deaths, intensive care unit admissions, and hospital stays in people who are hospitalized with the flu.
What if I’m pregnant?
Just like everyone else, pregnant women can reduce their risk of getting the flu by getting the vaccine. And in addition to helping protect mothers, vaccines have been shown to help protect newborn babies from the flu, too.
Should my child get a vaccination?
Flu vaccines help children’s bodies ward off the illness, too. And, since school-aged kids are exposed to a lot more germs than most adults, the vaccinations will also reduce the spread of the illness.
There are lots of great reasons why getting a vaccine is a good idea for your health this flu season. In addition to taking care of yourself, you’re helping protect the people around you. It’s just another way we can work together during this difficult time to reduce the spread of illness—and make health possible. If you have questions, please contact us at 317-462-5544.