Planning for a Healthy Return to School in Hancock County
No matter what eventually happens, going back to school will look much different this year.
The four Hancock County Indiana public school corporations have worked closely with the Hancock County Health Department to craft a joint statement on returning to school for the 2020-21 year. As we’ve seen in other Hoosier school districts, these guidelines may evolve, but at this time these are the recommendations for ensuring the health and wellbeing of both students and school staff.
Resuming In-Person Classes
All four Hancock County Indiana school corporations will resume in-person classes on their regularly scheduled start dates, listed below. Each district will be closely following recommendations from the IN-CLASS statement (Indiana’s Considerations for Learning and Safe Schools) crafted by the Indiana State Department of Health, Indiana Department of Education, and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Each corporation will also offer a virtual option for families who do not wish for their students to return at this time; contact your local district for more details. As always, the health and safety of Hancock County students, families and staff are top priorities, and our school corporations are confident in their training and protocols as they welcome your children back to school.
Self-Screening for Physical Health
All Hancock County schools ask that families self-screen for common COVID-19 symptoms, and students and staff should remain at home if they exhibit any of them. These symptoms include fever, chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle/body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion/runny nose, nausea/vomiting, and diarrhea.
In addition, individuals should be fever-free for at least 72 hours (without using fever-reducing medication) before returning to classes and activities. In non-COVID-19 cases, a doctor’s note will be considered for an earlier return.
Environmental Health Precautions
Safety precautions among Hancock County school corporations will include promoting social distancing, enhanced cleaning procedures, and reduced capacity in cafeterias, locker rooms, etc. All staff and students should keep a mask with them at all times because face coverings will be required for most when social distancing is not an option and they are in common areas. Gov. Eric Holcomb’s mask order requires Hoosiers to wear masks inside businesses, public buildings, and other indoor public places.
Parents should note that visitors will be restricted in the school buildings. In addition, Hancock County schools have discontinued perfect attendance incentives in order to allow more flexibility for healthy choices. If a positive case of COVID-19 is identified at a school, all rooms in which that individual was present will be closed and deep-cleaned. The entire school may also be closed by the local health department if positive close contacts cannot be identified.
2020-21 Hancock County Indiana | School Corporation Start Dates
Please be sure to visit your local corporation website to learn about any additional procedures or health guidelines for your specific community. You may also need to indicate your family’s transportation arrangements, aftercare/scheduling needs or plans for in-school vs. virtual learning options before the school year begins. The dates below are current as of this writing, but check with your school to confirm when it will be open.
Eastern Hancock County Schools
Monday, August 3, 2020
Greenfield Central School Corporation
Thursday, July 30, 2020
Mt. Vernon Community School Corporation
Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2020
Southern Hancock County Schools
Monday, August 3, 2020
Sources and External Links
Face Covering Requirement
https://www.doe.in.gov/sites/default/files/news/june-5-class-document.pdfJOINT STATEMENT FROM HANCOCK COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS ON 2020-21 SCHOOL YEAR