As we move into the new week there are a mix of bright, and dark, spots appearing in the data. On the positive side, a very large drop in the number of new COVID-19 cases in Indiana was recorded yesterday, with a more modest drop in Central Indiana – this is very good news! Unfortunately, at the global level, total cases are on the verge of exceeding the 2 million with nearly 600,000 of those being in the U.S. Over the weekend, the U.S. surpassed Italy in the total number of COVID-related deaths.
To help put all this in perspective, this weekend we recorded a video that provides insights into the current trends in the data and what this will mean for society moving forward in a “New Normal”. We will attach the link to that video to the update for tomorrow night.
- The Hancock Triage Clinic, Hancock Covid Triage hotline (317-325-2683 (COVD), and email lines continue to provide needed service to the community during this time. We have now seen nearly 250 patients in the Triage Clinic and handled more than 1,000 calls on the triage phone line – kudos to all those who made this possible!
- Remember, the HPN offices remain open, though most of the visits are virtual (telephonic or video-based), so if you need to see your doctor, please call their office.
- Work to retrofit the Reflections unit to our first COVID unit is complete. The second floor of the Gateway facility has been converted for use as a 50 bed expansion unit in case we need it (and we pray we do not).
- The end of in-person patient visitation has gone well and we have used the e-visitation system to great effect a few times. We have revised the policy in relation to deaths and births – please ask your department director for more details. Learn more on e-visitation at https://www. 2020/03/friends-or-family-in- the-hospital-e-visit/ - We are blessed to be finding new avenues to obtain additional PPE and for a very generous community as well who are finding and bringing in additional supplies. Should you have folks in the community who would like to donate to the cause, please have them contact Nancy Davis at
- We have developed a temporary transportation team and a food delivery team to help our patients to receive food items and make it to their health care appointments since other transportation options are closing for a while. If you have patients that need transportation assistance, please contact Amanda Everidge at
- For those associates that have the ability to take assignments in our personnel pools, please do so. We are beginning to have trouble filling all the needs and really need all hands to remain “on deck.”
- We have made arrangements with Fairfield Inn to house hospital associates and medical staff, as well as first-responders in the community, who need temporary housing if they are concerned about carrying the virus home with them. Our efforts are being coordinated by Gretchen Pike and Amanda Everidge and Hancock Health is covering the cost of these rooms and additional information. Please contact you department director for additional information.
- Do your best, prepare for the worst – then trust God for the victory – Proverbs 21:31
All the Best,